Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We are still here.

Just too busy to have time to keep up with the blog right now. We've had some great rides and I have some photos to post and stories to tell. I just don't have enough time to tell the stories.

Quinn is playing the trombone. He has band twice per week before school. We've signed him up to play on a basketball team this winter, too.
Abbey is playing the trumpet, and is playing in jazz band twice per week after school. She's also in a play, something about the Titanic, and has play rehearsals on the same afternoons she has jazz band. She needs a time turner to make this work.
Cindy is once again working in the retail running shoe industry. It seems like a good job, but there is only one Playmakers. And we're not clearing enough to stay on top of things right now.
I specialize in environmental insanity. I'm currently spending all my extra time working at home on some self-inflicted complex data analysis project.
We're getting ready to take a trip further west for a camping and mountain biking trip with the Diddawah in Moab.
We may be close to closing on the sale of our house in Michigan. That will be a huge relief.
We're definitely not as comfortable in this smaller, run-down rental house, but we're likely going to be renting for the next few years. Maybe we'll find a larger, nicer place, but we haven't seen anything we could afford.
We are getting our second snow of the season tonight. The first, a few weeks ago, we just a dusting. This one might hold more.
And occasionally, just a little bit, I really miss the comfortable life we had in Michigan.