Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break 2014: Western Rim

On a scale relevant to the 21st century human, time is precious. It's hard to find time to break out of the daily, time to get outside, time to think, time to get away, time to see time on a different scale. So, having met up with our GJ relatives for the first weekend of spring break, we traveled out to the Western Rim where it seemed that we could see the expanse of time.

The weather was a little sketchy. Cool and cloudy with a suggestion of rain. We were expecting high winds, but they held off until after the ride.

This piece of geologic history is just south of I-70 about a mile this side of the Utah border. It's an incredible place and an incredible ride. Here's the link to the Garmin log. I'd been afraid the full length of the lariat loop would be too much for us since we hadn't ridden much yet this spring, but having a pair of four-wheel drives, we drove in to the McDonald Creek Trailhead to cut off a few miles of dusty four-wheel-drive road. The trail winds through the desert scrub for a couple of miles, crossing into Utah before reaching the West Rim where it skirts along, usually not too close to the top of the rim overlooking the Colorado River.

The four of us comprising scaq took our single bikes -- our Santa Cruz fleet -- while Heather rode her Trek, and Chris and Cailan rode the Ventana tandem. The dogs, Utah and Amos, came along, too. It was a good ride, but we were feeling pretty beat by the time we hit the road for those return miles to the truck.

Later that day, the wind really picked up. We had planned to head on over to Moab and find a campsite, but the wind from the west was so strong that our poor Nissan could hardly get us down the highway. Then we heard from Heather that the power was out in at least some portion of Moab, and it was raining heavily, so we turned around headed back to GJ for the night. It's good to have options!

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