Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Centennial Cone Loop Once

We love Centennial Cone Park. It's just a little west of Golden on Highway 6, but the park is wild, wide-open Colorado and the trail feels miles from anywhere. For most of the 12 miles of trail, there is hardly a sign of civilization, excepting the trail itself.

Click here to see the map and the other Garmin info from our ride.

The trail is really a couple of trails that link together to make a big loop. The Travois Trail, as it's name suggests, is a lengthy traverse along a sometimes very steep slope. The Elk Range Trail, which we rode at the end of the loop, cuts across wide expanses of meadow frequented by calving elk at the right time of year. We didn't see any.

I'm too tired to write much tonight, so I'll just post some photos from our Sunday morning ride. And then I'll go to bed. There more details from a previous trip posted here.

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