Sunday, April 29, 2012

Back in CO

I have returned once again to Denver. After a week of music and company and love and comfort with my family back in Michigan, an uneventful flight has returned me to an empty and lonely house in a big city beside the mountains.

It was an interesting week in Okemos. The would-be offer on our house appears to have turned into a won't-be. We have no information or explanation. Maybe it will come back. Maybe it won't. Just a few more weeks of trying to sell, and then we'll just give the old house back to the bank. This is our version of the American dream. 

During my week in Michigan, I finally had the opportunity to hear one of A's jazz bands play, an opportunity I was fearful I might miss entirely. I also made it to one of her lacrosse games and to one of Q's a soccer games. Each of them, Q & A, played goalie for a portion of their game. Fearless defenders of crease and box, they are. We are so lucky to have such wonderful kids. 

On Friday, I spent a nice day in the emergency room with C, an unexpected outing that apparently didn't need to take place. Sharp pain in one's chest does not necessarily indicate any sort of detectable heart or lung problem, but a trip to the emergency room is a good way to be sure. It was a great opportunity for us to spend a quiet day together. This was our first trip to the ER since we moved to Michigan several years ago. I've always wanted to see her EKG. We are so lucky to have good health insurance.

After she worked all day Saturday, Cindy and I found time for quick dinner out together in the evening while the kids made themselves some sort of gooey noodles and applesauce at home. We finished off the evening back home with the kids and had strawberry rhubarb pie, vanilla ice cream, and Megamind.

Delicious cinnamon and walnut waffles for breakfast this morning, a little bicycle maintenance, and suddenly I'm back Colorado. You know what? I can see the mountains from my toilet seat!


  1. So, what's C's ailment? You kind of leave us hanging. I occasionally develop what a doctor said was Pleurisy. Odd because it's usually a symptom of a more serious illness or infection, although not always and it's sometimes idiopathic. It always goes away in an hour or two.

    Don't give up on home ownership in the long run. Sometimes the timing is good, sometimes it ain't. We sold our first house in CA for barely more than we paid for it. But doubled our money (not the bank's!) in seven years on our MA house. So far in WA, in spite of the recession, we still ahead of the game.

  2. We have no clue about the cause of the sharp pain in her chest. It went away by the end of the following day. Strange, but gone.
