Sunday, January 27, 2013

Green Mountain

Green Mountain is a treeless mound on west side of Denver that has several miles of well-worn trails sliced into its grassy face. Despite its being somewhat closer to home than other Front Range trails, we hadn't ridden there yet, so on the 26th of January when most other local trails were snowy and muddy we gave it a go. The trail climbed steeply for the first couple of miles, something our winter-weak legs didn't appreciate. Once on top, the views of Denver to the east were expansive, but were still just views of huge, smoggy metropolis. The mountains to the west looked nice. There was some fast, loose, and rocky downhill that was fun, but other users ascending forced us to keep our speed reasonable. We try very hard to be respectful of other users, which means riding at a reasonable pace rather than an insane one.

Here's a link to the route, mapped on my Garmin GPS.

So, Green Mountain: we logged a few miles and had some fun. The trails were primarily populated by fast cross-country racer-types out logging miles on their plastic Specialized 29er hardtails loudly discussing which category they'd race in this year. There were some ordinary folks, too. I even saw a guy pushing a Huffy across a small gully and up a short hill. The wide-openness of the mound was interesting, but overall I didn't find it as enjoyable as some of the other places we often ride. I didn't remember my camera, but Abbey had her phone.

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