Friday, April 5, 2013


We're moving again. This time just a few miles up the road, so no major upheaval. Well, I suppose that if you look at the mess in our new house and the old one, you'd probably call it upheaval. But nobody is changing jobs, and only Quinn is going to end up changing schools. Oh, and I suppose for Sharon, Cindy's mom, it's been an upheaval. She sold her house and has moved out to Colorado to live with us. It just seemed like it made a lot of sense for her to be out here with us instead of living by herself back in Wichita. I hope she still thinks it makes sense, because it's done!

The new house is bigger and nicer, although we can tell already that it's not too big. It's much closer to the high school and what will be Quinn's middle school. The house has a nice covered deck and little pond in the back yard. The pond contains a fish that Amos would like to catch. He won't. I took some photos of him staring at the fish, but I can't get the images off the camera because, like most nearly everything else, the USB cord for the camera is missing. It's probably in a box somewhere.

Cindy and Heather are running in the Platte River Half Marathon this weekend. Looks like we'll have nice weather. I wish I were running, too, but I've been having some knee trouble the last couple of months that has been limiting my exercise.

But the big news is Abbey's knee. She was slacklining at local climbing gym a week ago and hopped of the slackline onto the mat, but somehow managed to land on her left leg wrong and hyperextend her knee. There was a pop and lots of pain. After an emergency room visit and then a trip to an orthopedic doctor, it's apparent that her ACL is torn and she'll need surgery to build her a new one. This is not exactly great news, but she seems to be holding up OK. We have an MRI on the schedule for tomorrow, so we'll find out soon whether anything else is damaged in her knee. My fingers are crossed, hoping the damage is limited!

One thing is certain: this year's adventures will be different from the last.

1 comment:

  1. Knees problems. That's what we get for walking upright.
