Sunday, July 26, 2015


Abbey and some friends spent a few days camping south of Leadville this weekend. It took some convincing for us to let her do it, but eventually we gave in. So on Sunday, the rest of us, including Grandma and Amos, made a day trip to Leadville so that we could check up on or possibly rescue our daughter. We did neither, but we had a pretty good time.

Quinn and I brought our old, white, well-used and well-loved, almost-matching Santa Cruz bikes with the intention of getting a little high-altitude pedaling. We stopped in at Cycles of Life to get some suggestions about the Timberline trails, which are just outside of Leadville. The Timberline trails are very much like Michigan mountain bike trails--lots of linear distance of trails squeezed into a fairly small area. Small concentric circles and twists and turns and ups and downs. The guy at the shop was very friendly and helpful--gave us a map and some suggestions for trails and directions. He also had some good ideas for Cindy and Sharon for their exploration of the Mineral Belt trail--a paved trail, mostly old railroad grade, that makes a big loop around Leadville. Cycles of Life seems like a great shop.

The trails were fun. Here is our Garmin log. It was raining, so the fog and clouds obscured our views of the surrounding mountains, and the rain moving towards us across the valley made us feel a little rushed to get in our ride and be done. 

Here's Quinn checking out the view from the "Upper Deck."

Most of the trails were moderatily easy cross-country trails, fairly rocky, with lots of curves, but easy enough that most any mountain biker would find them fast, fun, and rideable. There was one trail, "Jump Trail," that had some interesting features. Here's Quinn testing one of the drops:

After having a hot, rough ride the previous day at Deer Creek Canyon, it was nice to have this fun ride to finish out the weekend.

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