Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quinn's Heckler

This is another retro-blog, written on Thanksgiving Day 2015...

Quinn is now riding a new Santa Cruz Heckler. When we first came to Colorado in 2012, Quinn had just outgrown his Scott Scale, with 20-inch wheels, so we up-sized him to a Santa Cruz Juliana, which I picked up used in Moab. The Julian was about the smallest 26-inch wheel, dual squish bike week could find, with a about a 13-inch frame. It's been a great bike for him. It was a little big at first, but he's grown at least a foot taller since then. So the new Heckler is 17-inch frame with 27.5-inch wheels.

Mountain bikes are rather expensive these days, even the cheap ones, so we were hoping to find a last-year's-model-closeout sort of deal this fall. I also wanted to buy it from a local shop rather than buying it online, so we spent some time looking locally, but most of what we were finding was still too pricey or not quite the right bike. Or both. So when this one showed up on Colorado Cyclist, with only one medium size left, we grabbed it. We didn't tell Quinn it was coming, so it was a pretty nice surprise for him. Lucky little shit.

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